05. Grouping codes Walkthrough

Grouping Codes Walkthrough

ND320 AIHCND C01 L02 A05 Grouping Codes

Note at about 00:33 the instructor says four out of five records, however, he meant to say 5 out of 6 records

Key Points

One great method for grouping codes is using the str.startswith() method. While there are a lot of medical codes, the decision to provide a clear categorization system works in your favor here.

Essentially you use str.startswith() by providing the number of characters you are looking for in your code.
str.startswith('4') or str.startswith('D35'). While this is probably just a good review for you, the important part here is that you know how to find the right codes to search for in the first place.

We have provided a notebook for you below to practice this a bit! Have fun!

Grouping Codes

Which of the following pieces of code would result in finding the correct results for the ICD10-CM codes for Type 1 Diabetes?
Please use CDC ICD10-CM Code Search to help you with this.

SOLUTION: `str.starstwith('E10')`

Apply Your Knowledge


Please write the correct code for Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria.

Please use CDC ICD10-CM Code Search to help you with this.


If you answered str.starstwith('J15.8') you answered correctly! Great job! If you didn't, J15 is for Pneumonia and the .8 is for due to other specified bacteria.


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